Display ads

GeorgeDamanis.com and GeorgeEatsEverywhere.com may display graphic advertisements for third-party products and services for which it may receive commissions from revenues and/or payments for impressions or clicks.

Affiliate linking and recommendations

GeorgeDamanis.com and GeorgeEatsEverywhere.com may recommend products or services for which George C. Damanis, GeorgeDamanis.com, and GeorgeEatsEverywhere.com have an affiliate relationship and may earn commissions on revenues.

George C. Damanis, GeorgeDamanis.com, and GeorgeEatsEverywhere.com do not recommend any services or products based solely on affiliate relationships. Any product or service recommendation is made based upon actual opinion.

Current affiliate program affiliation:

  1. Amazon Associates

  2. DJI Affiliate Program

  3. Acuity Scheduling

Amazon associates disclosure:

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.